
Showing posts from December, 2015

The Wonder of it All

Hi friends and fans, Wow! I am probably the most negligent writer of blog posts in the literary world. I wanted to post an update of sorts. Early in the fall, I accepted God's call to write the program for our church's annual Ladies Christmas Tea. I had originally declined the responsibility, knowing how busy my life was at the time. I said I would help with all the printed materials, in design and execution, and would handle promotion and bulletin announcements (another ministry within the church that I do weekly is the bulletin design and printing). Writing the program was another stress I didn't want to add to my life at the time, especially when dealing with a massive writer's block in the road of my third novel. Instead, people began to bring me ideas and songs inspirations for the program. Rather than saying flat out I wouldn't write it, I began to pray and see if it was what God wanted me to do. People, that's a hard thing to do. Saying "yes&qu